Our Cemeteries

Below are a few facts about our Army Cemeteries

  • There are a total of 30 Army Cemeteries across the United States.
  • The United States Army is responsible for the care, maintenance and management of these cemeteries. 
  • Each Army cemetery falls under one of four Army resourcing organizations:  Army Materiel Command (AMC), Installation Management Command (IMCOM), United States Military Academy (USMA), and Arlington National Cemetery (ANC).
  • Each Army cemetery has a unique history in terms of how it originated, how it may have changed hands over the years, as well as who was and is interred there.
  • Each Army cemetery falls into one of three burial status categories:  Open to new interments, Open to subsequent interments, and Closed to any future interments. 
  • Army cemeteries range in size from those having a small number of individuals interred in their grounds and less than 1/10th of an acre, to the largest, Arlington National Cemetery, which contains over 400,000 headstones and spans 639 acres.
  • Those interred in our Army cemeteries include Native Americans, Civilians, foreign military POWs, and American service members spanning nearly every American conflict back to the founding of our nation.
  • Arlington National Cemetery is the United States most prominent Army cemetery.  ANC receives, on average, 4 million visitors a year and conducts 27-30 burials each week day, and between 6-8 services on Saturdays.